Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Important information regarding Covid-19 and remote learning

 Dear Class,

This doesn't affect us as we are already working virtually... but just in case you have other classes, I wanted you to see this... Just received a minute ago...

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Dear Student,

Governors in the Northeast and local officials are urging colleges and universities to transition to online learning following the Thanksgiving holiday.  Additionally, we are witnessing the rise in the number of COVID cases throughout the state.  Albertus Magnus College therefore has determined it is wise for all on-campus classes in the Division of Professional and Graduate Studies to move to fully online instruction for the remainder of Mod 2 effective Monday, November 30, 2020.


Please review the following information:


Q.  What will happen to my on-campus class?

Any class that was meeting on-campus will now be switched to a virtual format.  Your professor will provide a link, so you may continue to meet at the same time each week through a synchronous online class session.  Popular video conferencing tools that may be used are Google Meet or BlueJeans.  If you have questions about finding the link to access your online class session, please contact your instructor.


Q.  When will this take effect?

Classes will continue to meet on-campus on Monday, November 23rd and Tuesday, November 24th.  The virtual class sessions will begin after Thanksgiving on Monday, November 30th.


Q.  When do classes end for Mod 2 or the fall semester?

The last day of classes for Mod 2 or the fall semester in PGS is Thursday, December 17th.  Please refer to your professor’s syllabus about final class sessions, assignments, and deadlines.


Q.  Is the College closed?

The College is open.  However, all students must continue to adhere to CDC guidelines while on-campus, which include the wearing of masks and social distancing.  Most offices require that appointments are made in advance and use video conferencing.  Please contact the office you wish to visit before coming to campus.


Q.  If I need access to a computer, where can I go?

Computers will be available for use at both New Haven and East Hartford campuses.  In New Haven, students may use an open computer in Rosary Hall or Bree Common (near Starbucks).  In East Hartford, students may use an open computer by contacting the East Hartford Office and making an appointment at 203-672-6790.  The East Hartford campus will be closed to visitors, but it will be available to students that make an appointment to use a computer.


Q.  Who should I call if I have other questions?

If you have other questions, please contact the Division of Professional and Graduate Studies by phone at 203-773-8505 or email PGS@albertus.edu.  Both the New Haven and East Hartford offices will be closed to students and visitors due to social distancing requirements.  However, our admissions counselors, academic advisors, and administration will be available for virtual appointments throughout the week.  To make an appointment, please send an email to the desired person or contact our main line.  Email addresses are available through our campus directory at https://www.albertus.edu/contact-us/webdir.php


Finally, as we continue through this season of transition, please check your Albertus email regularly for updates and communications from President Camille, your professors, our division and other offices. Your safety is our priority, and we are committed to addressing your questions and concerns during this final month before the December/Christmas break.

Wishing all of you a very safe and blessed Thanksgiving.

With appreciation,

Annette Bosley-Boyce

Dean, Division of Professional and Graduate Studies

Albertus Magnus College



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