Monday, November 30, 2020

Project 9: Kaleidoscope


Esophagus Alley


Petal Drum

Tile, Extra Tile, Don't Hold the Tile

3 New Videos

 Hi Class,

I just uploaded three new videos going over each finished project from a day student's 2D portfolio.  It may help clarify expectations and will help serve as a checklist of the projects due for the class.

Because we have 15 weeks in the day program there are more projects here than I have asked you to do in the main body of the Syllabus... so don't get nervous...   The three videos are divided into 1/3 of the class work each for a total of 24 projects.  They are linked in the upper right side of the blog.

Project 8: Quarter Circles


Rattlesnake Baby Toy

Haunted Lava Lamp


Rear Window

Go Left


Project 9

All of these could be top contenders for new rug patterns for casino hotels or bowling alleys!
"This lesson brought to you by the letter P, the letter A, the letter L and the letter X" - Sesame Street


Project 8

 Retro 70's all the way. All these combinations remind me of the interior design of a client I had years ago. She was not afraid of color or shapes.